slot gacor

What makes us
what we are

Family as school of competencies and abilities

Proactivity as the way for development

Respect and equality as conditions to serve

What we do


Strengthening Educational Equity and Quality in Public Schools from the municipality of Coatepeque, Quetzaltenango. Phase I —School Sanitation—

Quality education

Education in Guatemala and Bolivia is one of our most important areas in Development Cooperation. FABRE has implemented more than 50 educational projects , reaching more than 90.000 students, especially those immersed in rural environments with very low opportunities to exercise their right to quality education.


Fighting mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS in Yamoussoukro Phase II: Strengthening the nutritional factor


FABRE provides assistance to the physically or mentally ill in the Ivory Coast, Cuba, or various Latin American countries, covering their needs, the care of them and also attending the needs of their caregivers. We are committed to supporting and defending the dignity that each human being has. Hence the respect and care with which we develop these projects.


Strengthening nutritional and food security of the vulnerable population in 3 rural communities from Tacaná San Marcos, Guatemala

Water and food security

FABRE has carried out projects on water and sanitation providing access to this essential resource for home use and drinking. We have also developed programs for the improvement of farm products to promote economic growth and secure food availability. These actions have taken place in countries such as Bolivia, Ivory Coast, Guatemala and others.


Towards gender equality and prevention of violence, strengthening civic participation, economic autonomy, and training of migrant women as agents of change in District 4 of the municipality of Sucre, Bolivia

Women and Girls

The work of FABRE for the recognition of women’s rights, as well as pursuing equality between men and women, has been present since its foundation. It is a key condition for development, so we integrate those in a real and effective way within the framework of human rights in culture, structures and processes. Our projects in Bolivia, as in Guatemala, Cuba, Peru and Côte d’Ivoire, are an evidence of this integration.


2030 Youth Agents for social mobilization: 5th Challenge #BetheChange


Education for Sustainable Development

In FABRE we believe that, all together, we can make the world a fairer place. Achieving this not only depends on development cooperation carried out by countries in the South, but it is also essential that, in the North, we become aware of the social and economic inequalities in the world, acknowledging all causes and consequences and taking solidarity as a way of living.


The cornerstone of our strategy is real integration and inter-culturalism in the classroom. We promote Education for Sustainable Development cooperation and the exchange of knowledge between cultures, inspired by our collaboration with local partners in the South.


We work in Education for Sustainable Development within the framework of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the tool by means of which the United Nations invites us to fight for a global, fair-to-all and sustainable development.


Familiasostenible@SXXI (Sustainablefamily@21st century)

We help families grow healthy

Family support programs represent one of the main lines of action of the Foundation, as well as a cutting through aspect and a top priority asset in each of our projects. For years now, FABRE has developed counselling and support initiatives to support families in Spain and abroad, most significantly in Nordic and Slavic countries, in subjects such as couple advise, close family relationships and dealing with adolescence.


And you, what can you do?
Pour your interests into a social mission with our citizen participation and public action programs in the North and South. All programs include a training process on the reality of North – South relationships so that you can learn more about human rights, to defend them and get into action.
I want to be volunteer

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship

Our Education for Sustainable Development drives teachers and students to proactivity. Click over the elements to watch the videos that show local actions for sustainability carried out by different Spanish organizations in their alliance for the Sustainable Development Goals and get inspired to start your own. 


More teaching materials

Transparency and accountability

  • Public funds

  • Private funds

  • FABRE funds

  • Activity

  • Financial losses


Number of actions and projects carried out


Number of beneficiaries

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