President’s Letter

Dear friends, donors and volunteers:

It is with pleasure that I write to you through the Annual Report of Activities in which you will find the projects that Fabre has developed throughout this year 2020.

Soaked in the atmosphere that the fight against COVID 19 is leaving us all over the planet and facing the serious social, health and economic consequences that it is causing, I propose to share in a few lines some thoughts that arise as a result of these months of work with the most needy.

I would like to recall the importance of the integral nature that development must have. I believe that development is not just a matter of economic growth. To be authentic, it must be integral, which means it must promote all people and the whole person. In other words, we must always affirm the greatness of all human beings. At the same time, this integral development must embrace all that is human in all its dimensions. This demand for the true sense of integral development is being proposed to us today by the humanity for which we work. In short, it is a question of changing the global development model and redefining progress: this is part of the task that FABRE aims to fulfil. It is necessary to build leaderships that set the way forward; and in that way FABRE develops programmes for Development Education and Global Citizenship and Awareness, aiming to awaken our society.

I want to emphasise the need for each of us to be leaders of change in our environment, leaders who show the way so that we can make the world a fairer place for all of us. Therefore, these are great challenges and balances that need to be found, without discouragement and without looking the other way.

I remember a line from an interview with Georg Sporschill, S.J., and Federica Radice Fossati Confalonieri that can help us if discouragement arises in the face of this enormous task: “Only love conquers fatigue” [“Corriere della Sera”, 1 September 2012]. This love will make us find new dynamisms in society and try to involve other people in this ideal, until they bear fruit in important historical events, the changes that humanity needs and expects.

These are some of the reflections I wanted to share with you, while expressing my wish that this Annual Report is able to reflect the enthusiasm and seriousness of the work of the FABRE Foundation Team and Board of Trustees and the enormous gratitude to each of you who make it possible.

By each of us contributing a small grain of sand and with the combining of all our efforts, our contribution becomes inmense.

With the hope that you and your families are keeping well, I send you my warmest greetings,

Rita Regojo Bacardi
FABRE President