Promotion of rights through universal, fair and sustainable access to safe sanitation and drinking water in order to increase resilience to covid-19 in the rural indigenous community of San Simón, municipality of San Ignacio de Velascoview
The project is based on training and awareness raising on the Right to Education among the student body and faculty, promotion of social mobilization by exercising the right to citizen participation, and the third essential cornerstone is political advocacyview
Improvement of living conditions and prevention of COVID-19 through universal and fair access to drinking water in the indigenous community of Carmencitaview
Improved health and hygiene conditions in 3 rural Aymara communities belonging to the municipality of Calamarca through the access to drinking water from a gender perspective in development.view
Improving conditions for the access to education and health of young rural migrants in 18 neighbourhoods in District IV of the Municipality of Sucre. Bolivia.view
Improvement of the living conditions and prevention of COVID-19, through universal and equitable access to drinkable water in San Rafael de Velasco (department of Santa Cruz – Bolivia).view
Improvement of the quality of life and prevention of COVID 19 through universal and equitable access to potable water in the rural community of Santa Rosita del Carmen Ruiz. Santa Cruz. Boliviaview
Improvement of living conditions and prevention of COVID-19 through universal and equitable access to potable water in San Ignacio de Velasco. Boliviaview
Contribute to the full exercise of the social, economic and political rights of 226 women leaders in the municipality of Calamarca, with gender equality and promotion of environmentally sustainable productive initiatives, in line with targets 5.4 and 5.5 of SDG 5.view