slot gacor


If there is something that defines who we are, it would be our desire to change the world, to provide everyone with an opportunity, regardless of age, gender, or social position.

What do we want to do and how we do it?

Our mission is contributing to the development of individuals, facilitating an opportunity for change to each and every single beneficiary. We promote justice and social welfare, solidarity and family-based values. All of our projects place individuals at the core of our activity; their training, education and earning capacity, enabling them to leave the poverty trap behind them. In order to do this, we carry out development cooperation projects at an international level, social action and family counselling interventions in Europe and awareness-raising, volunteering activities in Spain and awareness-raising, Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship and volunteering activities in Spain.

Respect towards individuals.

The human being is at the core of FABRE’s projects and activities. We work based on the capacity to act, the responsibility and creativity of every single individual. That is why we prioritize training and education over any other activity.

Justice and social welfare.

FABRE seeks justice and the proportionate distribution of wealth, offering each person the opportunity to participate and develop as an individual and as part of the community.


FABRE’s work promotes solidarity amongst developed and underdeveloped individuals, rooted in collaboration as equals and mutual interchange.


FABRE acts without making any distinction for reasons of sex, beliefs or race.

Prioritizing quality in our tasks and transparency.

Work well done is a sign of respect towards the people in need and, therefore, a key value for FABRE. This quality is reflected by our transparency and commitment to the responsible allocation of funds received.

President’s Letter

Dear volunteers, donors and private and public entities which have been supporting us for so long:

In these times in which so many conflicts surround us, we must not avoid the question of how to contribute to restore the threads of peace from what each one of us can do.

We are living a historic moment that does not benefit attention towards the most disadvantaged, the migrants, the vulnerable, the dependent, those that society discards for selfish reasons…

Read full letter

FABRE’s history around the world

2023 in numbers










What do we do regarding cooperation?

Bolivia, Cuba, Guatemala, Ivory Coast and Peru. 5 countries and a total of 210,513 beneficiaries atended. Discover all our projects.


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Ivory Coast

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How do we transform the future world through education today?

Our projects have the SDGs as a main work tool. The objective of the training is that the people with whom we work can act as agents of social transformation and transmit the proactive spirit in their environment.

Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship





View ESDGC projects

Awareness Campaigns


How we tackle problems from their root?

The Family and volunteers, other fundamental pieces in FABRE. Keep reading to know more.

Family Support

Volunteering and networking


FABRE 2023 Featured Topics

These are the highlights of this year.

¡Thank you all for making it possible!

Activities in Valencia

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FABRE Charity Dinner

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First cooperation project with the Madrid City Council

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Transparency and accountability

Our accounts and audits are fully public.


  • Activity

  • Financial losses


  • Public funds

  • Private funds

  • FABRE funds

Projects cost

  • Development Cooperation

  • Family Support

  • Education for Sustainable Development

Our partners

Get to know the partners and funders with whom FABRE collaborates clicking on the following button.

View partners and networks

FABRE board of trustees

A very committed board of trustees. If you want to meet the crew members, click the following button.

View board of trustees