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President’s Letter

Dear volunteers, donors and private and public entities which have been supporting us for so long:

In these times in which so many conflicts surround us, we must not avoid the question of how to contribute to restore the threads of peace from what each one of us can do.

We are living a historic moment that does not benefit attention towards the most disadvantaged, the migrants, the vulnerable, the dependent, those that society discards for selfish reasons. They are all people who have a name, a face, and a story they most likely did not choose. Let us also think that war strikes particularly the most fragile people —children, the elderly, people with disabilities— and indelibly hurts families. How do we welcome all this vulnerability in its multiple manifestations from what each one of us can do?

The daily rush prevents us from stopping, helping and taking care of others. The growing political and social polarization does not help to solve citizens’ urgent problems. There seems to increasingly arise a “fear” of life, which in many places translates as a fear of the future and difficulties in starting a family or having children. Fears, which feed on ignorance and prejudices, degenerate easily into conflict. From FABRE we are convinced that the antidote to this ignorance is education from the integral respect for the person, avoiding to impose a new and confusing vision of the human being that would make us move away from what human beings essentially are: a being for others.

We can do a lot of good together. We just need to think of the praiseworthy initiatives aimed at reducing poverty, helping migrant people, countering climate change, and providing humanitarian aid we find in many places and to which FABRE projects and activities add.

The path to peace in a world as interconnected as the one in which we live goes through dialogue and mutual listening, favoring shared responsibilities and cooperation in the search of common good. How each one of us acts ends up having an impact on everyone, so that is why we feel responsible for the transcendence that our solidarity has.

In the Annual Activity Report you have in your hands you will find all the Projects we have developed in FABRE throughout the year 2023. Thanks to all of you who in one way or another have contributed to making them possible. It is an achievement of us all, feel it yours and feel honored to be able to contribute to making our world a little more just.

Kind regards,

Rita Regojo Bacardi
FABRE President