Be part of the social transformation by donating a donation

Why donate?

Last year we carried out a total of 35 Cooperation projects in our main countries of operation (Bolivia, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Guatemala and Peru). With the help of 149 volunteers and 202 donors, we work to improve the conditions of children, the elderly and women.

Our mission is to contribute to development by offering an opportunity for change, promoting justice and social good, solidarity and the values inherent in the family. The central point of our projects is the human person, their training, education and ability to generate income, which allows them to get out of the circle of poverty.

Other ways to donate

You can make a transfer to the following bank account:

ES88 0128 0200 9105 0000 4446 (Bankinter)
Concept: Name and Last Name, and ID Number


Soudrey Maïmouna

Soudrey Maïmouna
Costa de Marfil

Click on the video to hear Soundrey Maïmouna’s story and how FABRE has managed to support her and her children.

Hermana Simeona Guzmán

Hna. Simeona Guzmán

Click on the video to hear the story of Sister Simeona Guzman and how FABRE has managed to support her in the COVID-19 crisis.

Baudilia Ramírez

Baudilia Ramírez

Click on the video to hear the story of Baudilia Ramirez and how FABRE has managed to support her and her children.

Why make recurrent donations?

Because you will stay informed about our work, celebrate our successes with us and support our work where it is most needed.

A sample of what you can save donating

Donation Deduction Expense
€12,50/month€150/year €120/year €30/year
€20/month€240/year €151,50/year €88,50/year
€25/month€300/year €172,50/year €127,50/year
€30/month€360/year €193,50/year €166,50/year
€40/month€480/year €235,50/year €244,50/year

These examples are only mere guidelines for Spanish donors to assess the extension of the financial benefits in donating and they may not correlate exactly to your particular case. Check our Frequently Asked Questions to know more about it.

Donation Deduction Expense
€500/year €175/year €325/year
€1.000/year €350/year €650/year
€3.000/year €1.050/year €1.950/year
€5.000/year €1.750/year €3.250/year
€7.000/year €2.450/year €4.550/year

These examples are only mere guidelines for Spanish donors to assess the extension of the financial benefits in donating and they may not correlate exactly to your particular case. Check our Frequently Asked Questions to know more about it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the amount of deduction depend on?

  • It depends on the amount donated (80% up to €150 and 35%-40% onwards, depending on the case.
  • Whether the donor is an individual or an enterprise (in enterprises 35% is always applied).
  • Whether the donor has contributed with recurrent payments to the same organization for at least three years without reducing the total amount (increasing the deduction in 5%).
  • On the base salary of the donor (only up to a 10% of tax retentions).
  • Certain Autonomous Communities apply larger deductions considering the type of activity and other special features of recipient organizations.

How can I know the total amount of my tax retentions?

You may see it in logging into your account at the electronic platform of the Spanish Revenue Agency and search the financial statement of previous years at this link:

What do I need to do in order to exercise the right of tax deduction?

You need not to do anything. The Foundation will make a statement of all donations received addressed to the Revenue Agency and this entity will deduct the correspondent amount to each citizen. However, the Foundation will issue a certificate of the donation and we will send it to each donor. This certificate can be annexed to the income tax declaration, although this is not necessary for the deduction to be applied in Spain.