AIM: the project seeks to achieve universal basic education of young people, so that they gain better access to employment, from the formal education system, in Guatemala.
ACTIVITIES: Qualitative educational assessments of education centers and its professionals. The centers are provided with educational technology equipment, and the staff have been trained to use it. Design and implementation of the initial plan for the training of professionals in the education. Training of parents. Opening of new schools.
IMPACT: Improvement of educational and employment opportunities of 3,100 young people from the rural communities of the Departments of Quetzaltenango, Totonicapán, Huehuetenango, San Marcos and Suchitepéquez. The project has managed to train and update the competences of Directors and teachers of 32 educational centers of basic and diversified level, using tools to raise the quality of education. This has enabled improvements in the educational capacities of the beneficiaries, facilitating them access to decent jobs. Opening of new centers in rural communities, and consolidation of the educational model based on alternation in Guatemala. Reinforcement of partnerships by training their participants and encouraging the active involvement of parents.
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